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Research Topics

Research Topics for Professional Musicians

_Do you hear what I hear? ---Difference between the Sound on the Stage and that of the Hall (Music that the performer hears and that the audience hears)


_Are you really making the sound that you think you are?---Difference between the music the performer thinks he is making and the actual music that is made


_Why am I out of Tune?---Others say I am not, but to me, I am in tune. Why?


 _Metronomic Rhythm vs. Humane Rhythm 


_Duo with Piano---Piano as partner or Piano as background sound?


_Chamber Music--- You are too loud, let me be heard--Increase one's energy to match or decrease to let the others be heard?


_What constitutes good musical sound?


_ Is developing consistent and even sound really necessary in Classical music performance?


_Is hours of Scale practice really necessary?


_Audition/ Competition Environment--- Is the severe condition such as little warm up time, exposure to cold temperature, 2-5minutes' playing for the college entrance audition, etc, really necessary and realistic for cultivating and finding the real talent?


_The use of the Cello Riser---Is it really amplifying the Cello Sound?


_And other related topics..


Attend PAMA Symposium 2018

2018. 5. 21. 5:04

Music Pschology

Music Psychology for Performers


" If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music."

--Albert Einstein

"Then let us all do what is right, strive with all our might toward the unattainable, develop as fully as we can the gifts God has given us, and never stop learning."

--Ludwig van Beethoven

As a performer on the stage, have you ever wondered if the audience is really enjoying your performance and feel that it was good that he came and wants to hear your performance again?


As a listener in the hall, have you ever wondered if the performer really knows what he is doing and if the music you hear is really the way it is supposed to sound like,  the way the performer really intended?


As a performer, have you ever felt that you really have no idea what this music is all about so you get the urge to go give a call to Mr. So and So Composer, if this or that passage should indeed be so horribly difficult that it was written for only a handful of virtuoso players that goes down in the history of music, if this or that concerto was written only for the Stradivarius or Guarnerius or the kinds that posess the enormous sound ability that can resound in a hall for 2000+ audience, or simply that you are not cut out to be a concert artist?


As a listener, have you ever felt that something is wrong with you so that you feel terribly bored during the seemingly fine concert where everyone else seem like enjoying, that you can not really hear the sound of the soloist, when everyone else seem to be hearing just fine, that the music being played sounds badly performed but the performers bio says that he is of such caliber that playing bad is simply not possible, so, it must be you who is not quite intelligent or cultivated enough to understand and appreciate this supposed to be a wonderful, highly cultural experience?




Come,   find answers to your questions.


Find peace for your mind and confidence to go on to that stage and play your heart out!


 There is nothing wrong with you.


We will study how music is formed in composer’s mind, how it is written down with all those limitations of notations, how it is performed by you and others, how it is heard by the audience.


And how much resources are out there that you can use to really perform the way you always wanted to and make the audience feel touched, wonderful and really wants to come back  to hear your music  again and again. 

Career in Orchestra

Career in Orchestra

Purpose: Guidance for Students and Professionals to prepare for Orchestra Career 


Format:  Roundtable Discussions 

Participants: Students, Professionals, Orchestra Musicians, Conductors 

Topic:  How to Prepare for Orchestra Auditions and Orchestra Career 




      Credentials of current orchestra players of Korea 

      Income and Benefits of Korean orchestra members 

      Tenure of Korean orchestra members 



      Credentials of current orchestra players of America 

      Income and Benefits of American orchestra members

      Tenure of American orchestra members




      Credentials of current orchestra players of Europe  

       Income and Benefits of European orchestra members

       Tenure of European orchestra members

Beautiful thoughts, Beautiful mind, Beautiful Music, and, Beautiful Life. 

Elizabeth Park Center
for Professional Studies of Music Performance


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